Minggu, 20 Desember 2015

Transit Oriented Development (TOD)

Pembangunan berorientasi transit atau Transit Oriented Development (TOD) adalah kawasan terpadu dari berbagai kegiatan fungsional kota dengan fungsi penghubung lokal dan antar lokal.

TOD juga merupakan solusi utama untuk berbagai masalah perkotaan yang terus berkembang terutama akibat perubahan iklim dan keberlanjutan energi dengan mencipkan masyarakat padat yang walkable yang dapat mengurangi kebutuhan kendaraan bermotor dan konsumsi energi

Faktor-Faktor Kecenderungan Mengarah TOD
- Pertumbuhan kota yang cepat, menyebabkan meluasnya kemacetan lalu lintas
- Kecenderungan penduduk pinggiran kota untuk memiliki gaya hidup perkotaan
- Meningkatnya keinginan untuk gaya hidup yang lebih walkable jauh dari lalu lintas
- Perubahan struktur keluarga, kecenderungan menjadi single atau dengan keluarga kecil
- Meningkatnya dukungan pertumbuhan penduduk tanpa menimbulkan permasalahan kota

Komponen-Komponen TOD :
-Walkable design with pedestrian as the highest priority
-Train station as prominent feature of town center-Public square fronting train station-A regional node containing a mixture of uses in close proximity (office, residential, retail, civic)-High density, walkable district within 10-minute walk circle surrounding train station-Collector support transit systems including streetcar, light rail, and buses, etc-Designed to include the easy use of bicycles and scooters as daily support transport-Large ride-in bicycle parking areas within stations-Bikeshare rental system and bikeway network integrated into stations -Reduced and managed parking inside 10-minute walk circle around town center / train station-Specialized retail at stations serving commuters and locals including cafes, grocery, dry cleaners

Manfaat TOD:
-Higher quality of life with better places to live, work, and play
-Greater mobility with ease of moving around
-Increased transit ridership
-Reduced traffic congestion, car accidents and injuries
-Reduced household spending on transportation, resulting in more affordable housing
-Healthier lifestyle with more walking, and less stress
-Higher, more stable property values
-Increased foot traffic and customers for area businesses
-Greatly reduced dependence on foreign oil, reduced pollution and environmental damage
-Reduced incentive to sprawl, increased incentive for compact development
-Less expensive than building roads and sprawl
-Enhanced ability to maintain economic competitiveness

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